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A member registered Mar 15, 2022

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(1 edit)

Sorry. I'm hanother issue. I was playing Mines of Titan on Works of the Masters in GZDoom with this load order:  Beautiful_Doom_716.pk3, doom_complete.pk3, masters.pk3. When I got to the exit of Mines of Titan, I got an error.

EDIT: Apparently there are discrepancies with Beautiful Doom. Worked perfectly fine when I took it off the load.

I just wanted to let you know that I was able to combine then  after using Boot Camp! Thank you!

(1 edit)

I'm using Monterey 12.2.1. Unfortunately, it doesn't work . If there's no easy fix on your end, I'll try to just borrow a a Windows computer from someone and do it that way if it's easier. It's not a big deal! The error message is attached if you want to see. 

Also, on Works of the Masters in Waters of Lethe, there are a lot of textures missing. Any idea what's causing it?

I keep getting exit code 0x1 on my Macbook. Any idea what that is? It recognizes all my WADs, but then it fails at the end.